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When you write a blog, it’s inevitable that people start telling you to write a book. All very well, you say, but it’s a bit harder to come up with an idea that might actually sell. After all, a book has to be more than a group of disparate thoughts all fused together. (Unless you’re a celebrity, in which case people will buy this kind of book in the thousands.)
This has been my dilemma over the last year or two. If this blog could ever be translated to a book that people might want to read, then it would probably be a sort-of diary, perhaps halfway between Bridget Jones and Adrian Plass, recounting the pressures of parenting whilst telling the funny stories and also trying to pursue discipleship through the haze of parenthood…
…BINGO! Fiona Lloyd has written this book, and it says EXACTLY what I would want mine to say, and she has done it A BAZILLION times better than I would have done.
One thing can now be crossed off the to-do list. (Which seems to grow rather than shrink. Anyone else have this experience?)
I’ve had a wonderful March, indulging in The Diary of a (trying to be holy) Mum. It’s honestly been my guilty pleasure, and has had me laughing out loud at times, and moved to tears at others.
The diary follows the ups and downs of Becky Hudson, mum of three and wife of one, who struggles to keep afloat in the sea of tweenager tantrums, toddler mischief, and one little boy who’s very obsessed with Formula One – not to mention a husband who’s facing Ofsted, an overly judgemental mother-in-law, and a church leader who seems to think Becky has a gift for leading whole-church prayers.
It didn’t take me long to warm to Becky, and her group of friends, as they support each other through their various parenting struggles and joys. I saw so much of myself in her, and various other characters.
If the author has resorted to a couple of stereotypes (a holier-than-thou church mum, and the aforementioned MIL), she’s quickly forgiven because of such brilliantly funny, sassy writing, and a plot which develops cleverly throughout the diary entries.
I don’t usually read Christian fiction, and I found the whole experience completely wonderful. Christian non-fiction can inspire in a radical, ‘things you hadn’t thought about before’ way – but Christian fiction, like this book, can inspire you in a much more down-to-earth, ‘getting alongside you’ way.
If you’re a Mum, you’ll love this. If you’re a Dad who likes reading Mum books, you’ll love it too. (If you don’t, then buy it for a Mum you know.)
I would also go a step further to say that even if your kids are all grown-up, you have grandkids or great-grandkids – you will still love this book! I’ll bet it’ll take you back to your days as a younger mum, and have you nodding away as you chuckle into your cuppa.
If you’re keen to get to know Fiona Lloyd before investing in this book, you can read this brilliant piece she wrote for the Baptist Union on why (and how) churches should welcome parents, or listen to this wise and articulate podcast she recorded for Premier Radio. If you subscribe to Woman Alive, you may also be interested to read her article in the April issue.
Like books? Here are some of my recommendations which are easily-readable, even in snatched moments between the toddler needing a wee and the baby puking up.
Yes please…. This sounds right up your street! Xx
This sounds hilarious! I would definitely up for reading this!
Yes please! Sounds uncannily like I would imagine a Desertbook to sound, therefore I am fundamentally interested! X
Count me in! Along these lines I would also recommend Matt Woodcock’s book, ‘Becoming Reverend’, to anyone who hasn’t yet read it
Yes I’ve come across that, although the bit which was described to me (his comments about adoption) made me so frustrated that I’d need to get over that in order to start it!
Sounds good.
Becoming Reverend is much more about, well, becoming a Reverend than about being a parent, although that is part of his journey.
I know…just not sure I could cope with his feelings towards adoption – sadly, I think that might cloud the book for me!
This sounds like the sort of book I would love so yes please!
This sounds a very real book I would enjoy.
I would love to have the chance to read this book. It sounds just my cup of tea. Thank you.
Sounds a good book to read..even as a grandparent.
Just had a cuppa and read your blog. Sounds like my kind of book!
Yes please!
I love a good read and anything that’s to do with the “nitty” “gritty” of life as a 24/7 wonderwomen ! ?
I’ve been wanting to read this book for a while but am a tiny bit broke at the moment due to moving house and having to give up my job! Count me in!
Sounds like a great book. I can think of so many people (besides me) who would enjoy this.
Sounds like it describes us all to a T!
Yes please Lucy and thanks for your excellent review
Sounds just right for just now! Count me in! xx
This sounds fabulous! Not read any Christian fiction before, and this sounds like a perfect (very close to home) place to start! Thanks lucy
Brilliant and well thought through review. I know Fiona and the extract I’ve read of the book was very funny. I’m thinking it could be great for a friend who my wife and I are Godparent’s to her children. Allthe very best with your book! ?
Yes please. Sounds an interesting read. I nees something to keep me awake during the night feeds with Hattie!
Sounds great! ?
I’d love to read this! Who wouldn’t, after such a positive review? Thanks for the chance to enter the giveaway!
Yes please! Sounds like something my friends and I would enjoy.
Sounds like a great book – I’d like to read it and pass it on to a friend who is a new Mum.
Yes please! This sounds brilliant and just up my street and would be ace to pass onto my friends too.
Yes please – sounds like me! X
I’d love to take this book to a cafe and sit and read it with my tea and cake.
Would love a copy to give to my Mum who runs toddler groups – she’s always looking for good stuff to recommend to the parents there. Plus I’m thinking it would be a great gift for my god-daughter’s Mum too, and maybe the god-sons Mums…how many copies did you say you were giving away again… ? Might just have to put in an order for a few
Haha yes! You may need to order a few! Hope you win…but if not then I highly recommend putting in an order. Your mum would love it, and it would take her back to when you guys were little! X
Count me in. I’ve already bought one copy for my daughter-in-law but would quite like one to read for myself!
Ohh sounds interesting. Love a god Christian fiction book myself. I miss my book club for that. 🙁
Yes please! Sounds great and might even inspire me to find time between potty training and school runs to read an actual adult book!
Ooh sounds like an excellent read. Yes please xx
Yes please. Sounds like a fantastic read x
Just seen this at spring harvest stand would love to have a read
Sounds great! Yes please!
This sounds marvellous! I hope I win, but if I don’t, I’ll buy it anyway 🙂
Would love to read this book ☺️
Hello! You’ve won! Message me your address and I’ll send a copy over asap. Xx
Looks like you’ve won!