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If you’ve been reading this blog for a while, you’ll be well aware of my slightly disturbing obsession with writing simple Bible songs for my kids.
Many kids’ worship songs are too long and wordy for small children (of preschool age) to sing and/or understand. And I often find that when my kids are learning about a particular Bible story, it’s handy to have a song to go with it!
There’s Easter Bells (to the tune of ‘Jingle Bells’) and Our Great God – a song about creation, to the tune of ‘This Old Man’.
Now, it may be the blood or gore or whatever, but my 4 year old boy has been really into the story of David and Goliath recently. So I came up with this little ditty, sung to the tune of ‘Miss Polly has a dolly’.
David and Goliath song
Goliath was a soldier who was big, big, big
He could break several soldiers like a twig, twig, twig
He said, “Come and fight me if you dare, dare, dare”
But all of God’s soldiers were too scared, scared, scared.
David was a shepherd who was small, small, small,
But he knew that God could do it all, all, all.
He took five stones from the river bed, bed, bed –
And the first one made Goliath fall down dead, dead, dead!
Actions encouraged…I will leave them to your imagination!
Although I know the song, I would love to see the video!
+ one
Ooh what a tune! Was praying just last night for more motivation for bible time (and for a more interested audience!) thanks to this I now have both. Blood and guts = definitely the way to share God with little boys!
Love it!!
My husband has a Daniel and the lions one which L loves! I will certainly try this one! Oooh and love to see your actions….!
This song could be jolly useful – I’ll pass it on!