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If you’ve been invited to a non-baby baptism, there’s great cause for celebration – but you may also be wondering what is a good baptism gift for a teenager or older child. After all, even birthdays and Christmas can present a challenge, with the recipient’s tendency towards high-ticket gadgets and clothing, let alone throwing in an extra gift-buying occasion.
There are many reasons why a child may not be baptised until they’re a bit older. Sometimes it’s in the family’s theological tradition to practise what is known as “believer’s baptism” – someone is baptised only when they can make a profession of faith for themselves, i.e. identify as a “believer”.
Others just didn’t get round to it when their kids were young. Perhaps they were moving house or church at the time. Perhaps they wanted to wait until they had subsequent children so that they could get everyone baptised together.
Heck, perhaps there was even a world pandemic which cancelled all baptisms for a couple of years.
Whatever the reason, it’s happening now, you’ve been and invited and ohmygosh you need to choose a gift. What to choose??
Fortunately, I’m here to help – with lots of fabulous baptism gifts for older boys and girls. This blog post shares gift ideas for 8-18 year olds. If you’re looking for baby/young child baptism gifts, you can find them in my post What do you Give a Child for Baptism? – do click across and take a look.
And click here if you’re looking for adult baptism gifts.
If you’re a godparent, be sure to check out my post What is expected of a godmother or godfather? for lots of useful ideas.
But for now, here are my top baptism and christening gifts for children aged 8-18. Enjoy!
What do you get an older child for baptism?
Many of the typical gifts you might by for a baby’s baptism would also be relevant for an older child: an age-appropriate Bible, a silver cross on a chain, a Christian art print and so on.
I guess the main difference is that the child will be opening the gift for themselves – unlike a baby, whose gifts will be opened on his/her behalf. So whereas with a baptism you’re choosing a gift for the parents to use with the child, here you’re choosing a gift for the child himself to use.
Fortunately there are many brilliant Christian books and Bibles available for the 8-18 age group, and I’ve listed them below. These will all help develop the faith of an older child/teen whilst being appealing to their age group.
I’ve also given you some ideas for non-wordy gifts: clothing, jewellery and decor items which might particularly appeal to an older child.
Baptism gifts for older boys
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it till I’m blue in the face: what you buy for boys you can buy for girls (and vice versa). Let’s be careful not to reinforce harmful gender stereotypes when it comes to choosing faith-based gifts for our young friends.
Having got that out of the way, though, there are some books specifically marketed towards boys or girls which are also pretty good, so for those of you looking for something like this, here are my top suggestions:
1. 3-Minute Devotions for Boys
Yes, the title is cheesy (what is it about this book that makes it unsuitable for girls, I wonder?) but I include it purely because of how flippin’ fantastic it was for my own son when he was 10/11. He wasn’t in a daily devotional routine, but it was this book that got him into one!
90 short, accessible daily readings – absolutely perfect for an 8-12 year old boy who doesn’t want to read pages and pages. It’ll keep him going for three months if he’s disciplined – 5-6 months if he’s more typical!
2. 3-Minute Prayers for Boys
Although I haven’t seen this book in the flesh, it’s part of the same series as the wonderful 3-Minute Devotions. And although this book is called “prayers”, each of the 180 prayers is a kind of devotion anyway, with a Bible verse (printed for you) and application question at the end. The only difference is that the middle explanatory section takes the form of a prayer instead.
This could work for 8-12 year old boys who struggle with prayer, but might feel a little forced and uncomfortable for those who don’t. It’ll keep him going for 6 months if he does it daily, or even longer if he doesn’t! Bonus.
3. One You, One Year
This is a great resource for 10-14 year olds, as it includes daily devotionals for 365 days (that’s a year if you’re disciplined – two years if you’re typical). Each reading is taken from the fabulous YPs daily Bible reading notes, which have been going for DECADES (literally; I had them as a teen), so are very trustworthy resources, produced by the legendary CWR.
4. Growing Up God’s Way – for Boys
A book on puberty, sex and relationships might not be an obvious baptism gift choice but hear me out: your baptism candidate has got to hear this from somewhere, and wouldn’t it be best if the “somewhere” was medically and Biblically accurate? And if the boy’s parents are Christians, they’ll thank you for making their job easier.
I’m not saying ONLY get this book – but if you have a few spare pounds in your budget after buying something else, maybe pop this in the gift bag too. I guarantee it will be well used. Aimed at 10-14s.
Christening gifts for older girls
Ditto what I said above. What you can buy for a girl, you can buy for a boy. But here are the books I rate highly which happen to be marketed towards girls.
5. 3-Minute Devotions for Girls
My daughter has read some of these devotions – and although I’m not as enamoured by them as I am by its male counterpart (they have a few too many cultural references which not all girls will relate to), they are still short, pithy, and easy to fit into an older child’s day.
The content may be somewhat thin, but the important function of this book is not to go in-depth, but to gently lead a child by the hand into a positive daily devotional routine – and I commend that. Aimed at 8-12s.
6. Christian Heroines Just Like You
A book full of inspiring female Christians from the past – some you’ll have heard of, some you won’t. This is a great book for any older baptism child (suggested age 8-12), but perhaps especially for someone who doesn’t receive faith input in the home and/or isn’t ready to read the actual Bible yet.
Being full of short biographies, this book is easy to read, with the stories succinctly told, but it’s inspiring enough to make girls want to get to know the Jesus who features in every page.
7. One You, One Year
I have no idea why these have been marketed separately for boys and girls – presumably because that’s what the buying public (i.e. us) want. Shame on us. But the material is solid and trustworthy, as per the boys’ version (see above). All 365 daily readings are taken from the wonderful, CWR-produced YPs daily Bible reading notes. A solid and lasting baptism gift for an older girl aged 10-14.
8. Growing up God’s Way – for Girls
Again, like the boys’ version, this is both medically accurate and Biblically sound. A few of the lines on modesty made me cringe, but not enough to tear the pages out of the book.
A book on puberty and sex ed is perhaps not your first thought when choosing a baptism gift, but it will be immensely useful through the years – and her parents will thank you! Aimed at 10-14s.
Baptism gifts for older child or teen
So – gendered stuff out of the way! – what is a good baptism gift for a teenager or older child?
9. Bible
Arguably the most popular choice for a baptism gift – although perhaps check first with the parent as to what he/she already owns, especially if it’s a Christian family.
I have a ton of recommendations of children’s and teen Bibles right here in my post WHAT IS THE BEST CHILDREN’S BIBLE TO BUY FOR MY CHILD?
But if you haven’t time to browse, here are my top recommendations for 8-12 year olds:
- Link-It-Up Bible
- Diary of a Disciple (Luke’s Gospel) and Diary of a Disciple: Peter and Paul’s Story (Acts)
- Lion Graphic Bible
- International Children’s Bible
And my top recommendations for 13-18 year olds:
10. Christian book
As kids get older and head into adolescence, they’re likely to have more questions about their faith, their God, and how they fit into His story. What is a good baptism gift for a teenager? Something which helps them engage with these questions!
My top recommendations of books to help older kids and teens in their exploration are:
- 10 Questions Every Teen should Ask (and Answer) about Christianity
- Who am I and Why do I Matter?
- What happens when we Die?
- How do we know that Christianity is Really True?
- Why does God let Bad things Happen?
The last four of these resources is suitable for 9-13s, whilst 10 Questions Every Teen should Ask is aimed at 12-15s.
If the child/teen in question isn’t an enthusiastic reader, all of these books are available in Kindle and Audiobook format too.
An alternative idea, especially for older teens, is to gift a biography of a famous Christian. Bear Grylls, George Muller, Corrie Ten Boom, Jackie Pullinger and Nabeel Qureshi all make fascinating and inspiring reading for a younger Christian.
11. Devotional
There’s no better way to encourage your young friend in their faith than with an age-specific Bible devotional: something they can read each day alongside the Bible to help them grow in understanding and maturity.
I have a whole list of devotionals for children and teens right here, but if you’re short on time, here are my top picks.
For 8-11s, try Exploring the Bible.
For 11-13s, I’d recommend either Discover or – especially for those who might be disillusioned with/cynical of the idea of daily Bible reading, try Bear Grylls’ Soul Fuel for Young Explorers.
For 14-18s, Engage will do the trick.
12. Clothing
When I was a nipper (a LONG time ago), Christian clothing was cheesy and blush-inducing. Not so anymore! There are lots of fabulous companies offering genuinely nice T-shirts and hoodies which gently proclaim faith.
In the UK, try these fab Scripture T-shirts, sweatshirts and hoodies from Finding Comfort in the Word (kids’ T-shirts here).
Or in the US, check out Elevated Faith. I love so many of their designs!
13. Mug
Just to clarify: I’m not talking cutesy cutesy double-handed Peter Rabbit baptismal mug here.
But which older child or teen wouldn’t love (and use) their own cool faith-filled mug for a warming hot chocolate, tea or coffee – not to mention a travel mug to go with them in their busy lives?
I love Finding Comfort in the Word’s range here.
And this quirky biscuit baptism mug from Frog and Gnome is sure to raise a smile on the face of all who see it!
14. Jewellery
If your baptism friend is a jewellery-lover, there are so many appropriate gifts you can find to mark their special day.
If you’re in the UK, Cheerfully Given arguably has the best selection of Christian jewellery. A simple cross on a chain is a lovely traditional gift, but here you’ll find necklaces, bracelets and earrings all featuring verses, words or images associated with faith.
If you’re in the US, check out Clothed with Truth, a fabulous Christian jewellery brand. There’s so much choice, and it’s all beautiful – like this gorgeous pendant necklace featuring these famous words from Jeremiah.
And of course wherever you are Amazon can always be relied upon for anything, including Christian jewellery gifts!
15. Bookmark
These bookmarks from Finding Comfort in the Word are such an ingenious idea: keep your place in the Bible passages you’re working through on your own, in your life group and at church!
16. Journal
For young people who love to write and draw what they’re discovering in Scripture, who they’re praying for and what God is saying to them, why not gift them this gorgeous journal from Hope and Ginger?
It’s been designed for children and teens, with a colourful cover, space to write prayer requests, and blank space for other words or doodles.
Sadly, it’s only available in the UK but if you’re elsewhere in the world, check out this gorgeous “Be Still” leather journal from Amazon!
And if your younger friend is a vegetarian/vegan, or you just don’t feel comfortable with leather, how about something like this prayer journal?
17. Christian art print
When asking what is a good baptism gift for a teenager, I always think you can’t go wrong with something to hang on their wall or pop on their desk. A beautiful work of art or lettering is a great opportunity to opt for a faith-based gift which doesn’t require reading – perfect for the teen/child who’s not big into books.
If you’re in the US, I highly recommend God’s Fingerprints, who have a wonderful selection of faith-based artwork. My daughter has this “Clothed in Love” print above her bed and the colours are WOW.
In the UK? I’d always go first to Hope and Ginger’s fabulous range of worded prints.
And if you’re looking for more choice, there are loads of brilliant prints by different artists represented over at Cheerfully Given.
18. Minno Kids subscription
If the baptism candidate is on the younger end of this age range (say 8-11), a subscription to Minno Kids could be a wonderful gift idea. With thousands of episodes of faith-based cartoons and shows including Veggie Tales and What’s in the Bible, it’s a wonderful subscription-service which helps kids develop their faith – and gives parents the reassurance that what their children are watching is healthy, Biblical and fun!
At just $6.99 per month, and available worldwide, the gift of a month or two’s subscription would suit a smaller budget, whilst those looking to spend more could sign up their young friend for 6-12 months.
19. Faith at Home subscription
Here’s another wonderful gift for the younger end of the age group (8-11). If you’re in the UK, why not buy a Faith at Home subscription from the wonderful Victoria Beech (aka Godventure)?
For just £4/month, your baptism child will receive monthly emails, plus a wonderful mini-mag every other month, absolutely crammed to bursting with creative ideas for exploring a particular Bible passage or theme. There are things to make, stickers, games, play ideas and so much imagination. If your baptism child (or their family) loves being creative, this would make a wonderful gift!
20. Colouring book
Colouring can be incredibly therapeutic and, as such, is a rejuvenated hobby for many older children and teens.
Finding Comfort in the Word has some beautiful Scripture colouring books here. And Cheerfully Given has a wider range from different artists here.
Check them out on Amazon too!
21. Cards
Please don’t leave it till the last minute and end up with some shocker from Asda…I wouldn’t want that for you.
Nope! For one thing, Hope and Ginger offer first-class delivery, so it’s nearly as quick as heading to the shops (or quicker, in my case), AND you’ll find some much more beautiful cards which your older child or teen will love – click here for their baptism range.
Frog and Gnome have some gorgeous baptism cards too, which are well worth checking out.
This quirky card comes from And Hope Designs.
Check out this corker from Perish and Fade!
And don’t forget to check out Cheerfully Given’s wonderful range of baptism cards, with many suitable for older kids and teens.
What do you get a 9 year old boy for baptism?
This is such a tricky age to get right! My top baptism gifts for a 9 year old boy would be:
- 3 Minute Devotions for Boys
- Soul Fuel for Young Explorers
- Action Bible/Brick Bible/Minecraft Bible (depending on his interests)
- Faith at Home subscription (if into art and craft)
- Minno Kids subscription
I hope this has been useful for you in working out what is a good baptism gift for a teenager or older child.
What would you add? What have you bought for older kids/teen baptism before? Or what was bought for you/your child? Tell me in the comments – I’d love to know!
Clarice A. says
Our daughter was finially baptized at 15 along with two other girls who were 14,and two boys who were 13 during sunday mass.The daughter and the other two girls wore the traditional,white,poofy,short sleeve,top of the knees baptism dresses with a matching bonnet,lace anklets and white maryjane shoes and under their dresses,a white tee shirt with their cloth baptism diaper and plastic pants.All three girls looked very cute and ‘baby’ like for their baptisms.We gave the daughter a gold cross on a necklace for her to wear and a card with money in it.Some of her other gifts were a bible,clothes,etc.